Sunday, June 14, 2009


Hey all,

So I am still in Barcelona and actually extended my time here an extra week. I was going to go to Portugual before I met up with Peggy but I really like it here and dont want to leave.

The other day my roomie and I made friends with these guys who have a boat. They told us they had seen dolphins and whales the other day so we went out with them at like 6am to try and see them too. We didnt get to see any though which was quite sad. However, since we had stayed up till 6 we got to see the sun rise which was very pretty. Also, just being on the boat was great for me. I really want to get a boat some day. The guys had a wake board so we tried that for a while. I never managed to get up but it did manage to make me really soar today.

Other than that not too much new stuff is going on. My spanish is getting quite a bit better. Still no where near being good.... but I understand what is going on for the most part. I still have trouble with speaking, but I have been having to practice quite a bit.

Miss everyone!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

gosh, you are meeting peggy there?? darn, i am so jealous now...